Prepare Connect
0-2 years
Picture and Object Cards App (Literacy)
Download the free application on the App Store “Flashcards App – Baby Flash Cards in English” OR Baby FlashCards for Kids on Android
2. Click on the “Animals” topic or any topic of your liking.
3. Ask your child what they see by using open-ended questions. E.g. What is this animal? What sound does this animal make?
Story Time
I'm Just a Little Horse
Making Playdough (Sensory)
Making Playdough
Playdough is a great sensory experience and you can add various textures and scents to the dough if you choose.
Children can use various cookie cutters, rollers etc to manipulate the dough!
Don’t know how to make play-dough? Watch us do it!
Story Time
Busy Bear
Nursery Rhymes (Music and Movement)
Nursery Rhymes
Visit our Spotify playlist for a variety of nursery rhymes and songs you can sing and dance to!
Story Time
Baah Baah!
Finger Painting (Sensory)
- A plastic plate or plastic cups to putsmall blobs of paint in/on.
- An old tshirt that can get paint on it!
- Large piece of paper
1.Encourage your child to dip their fingers into the paint and transfer this onto the paper to create their artwork!
You can join in too!
2-3 years
Hopscotch (Numeracy)
What you will need:
- Chalk
- Bean bag or a small stone/ block
- Draw a hopscotch track
- Write the numbers in each section
- Throw the beanbag into a section
- Hop or Jump into each section saying the number out loud
- Take turns to jump all the way until 10.
Story Time
You are My Little Cupcake
Watch the You are My Little Cupcake story
Story Time
Toilet Time
Yoga & Statues (Physical Activity)
Yoga & Statues
Children view the video and mimic the poses.
Volcano Experiment (Science)
Volcano Experiment
What you will need:
- 100 ml of cold water
- 400 ml of white vinegar
- Food colouring
- Baking soda
- Empty 2 litre soda bottle
- Combine the vinegar, water and 2drops of food colouring into the empty soda bottle.
- Pour in one to two teaspoons of baking soda.
- Eruption time! … Watch it here!
Follow the Dance Moves (Music and Movement)
Follow the Dance Moves
Look at the online program:
Go Noodle and enjoy trying to mimic the dance moves along with your child. This activity promotes whole body coordination, appreciation of movement, encourages your child to follow directions, and is lots of fun!
Singing Nursery Rhymes (Literacy)
Singing Nursery Rhymes
Sing along to various Nursery Rhymes with your child. At the centre we really enjoy some of the following songs:
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- 5 Cheeky Monkeys
- The Wheels on the Bus
- 5 Little Ducks These Nursery Rhymes can be found on most music sharing apps.
3-4 years
Alphabet Soup (Literacy)
The children will match different letters to build on their letter recognition
- Assorted letters
- A large spoon
- Tub -Letter sheet
How To:
- Fill a tub up with water
- Place assorted letters into the tub
- Have your child/ren scoop a letter out of the tub using a large spoon
- Have your child/ren match the letter to the same letter on the letter sheet
Story Time
When I'm Feeling Angry
Watch the When When I’m Feeling Angry story on YouTube
Rain in a Jar (Science)
Rain in a Jar
The children will explore weather through engaging in a rain experiment
- Jar/clear cup
- Shaving cream
- Food colouring
How To:
- Fill the cup with water
- Add a thin layer of shaving cream
- Assist your child/ren in adding drops of blue food colouring over the shaving cream
- Have your child/ren observe the “rain” fall
Sing and Dance (Music and Movement)
Sing and Dance
Additional resource: FREE Audible Amazon Stories
Visit our Spotify playlist for a variety of nursery rhymes and songs you can sing and dance to!
Story Time
The Magic Dictionary
Giant Shape Match (Numeracy)
The children will build on their numeracy skills by matching different shapes
- Blocks
- Craft paper
- Black marker
How To:
- Roll out a large sheet of craft paper and tape it to the floor
- Lay different shaped HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS i.e: A Rectangle Frame, aCircle Bowl, a Square Book etc on the paper and trace around them using a black marker
Have your child/ren match the blocks to the traced copies on the paper
4-5 years
Story Time
Kangaroos Hop
Magic Rainbow Milk (Science)
The children will engage in a science experiment to further enhance their learning
- Milk
- Food Colouring
- Dish Soap
- Shallow Dish or Bowl
How To:
- Pour some milk into a shallow dish or bowl until the milk covers the bottom.
- Assist your child/ren in adding somedrops of food colouring on the milk.
- Add a drop of dish soap into thecentre of the milk
- Watch in amazement as the colours dance across the surface of the milk.
Build and Measure (Numeracy)
What you will need:
- Foam blocks or any household items that can be stacked
- Ruler/ tape measure
- Have your child start by stacking 6-8blocks up against the wall.
- Then, using the ruler or tape measure, measure the length of the construction.
- Add on more blocks as you go and challenge them to see how far up then can go.
Measure their height and have them go around the house looking for items that may be like their height. Get your child to first make an estimate of the things that would look like their height and then measure the item.
The Letter D (Literacy)
The Letter D
Story Time
The Magic Dictionary
Round up the balls (Physical Activity)
Round up the balls
The children will build on their physical development through engaging in an outdoor ball game.
- Hula Hoop
- Several balls
How To:
- Place a hula hoop in the centre ofyour yard and scatter balls all around
- Ask your child/ren to find all the ballsand place them in the hula hoop
To extend on the game use 2 hula hoops and ask your child/ren to place smaller balls in one hoop and bigger balls in the other hoop.
Ask children to throw the balls using an underarm motion and aim for the hoops